Media Statement
East of England Broadband Network (E2BN), one of the Regional Broadband Consortia, a not-for-profit public body published a tender for the Everything Net Zero Framework.
Place Group submitted a tender and was selected on the basis of its tender by the contracting authority (E2BN).
Place Group is a specialist consulting, research, project management and procurement company with 20 years’ experience working across the public and social sectors.
Everything Net Zero is a managed service framework where Place Group will run tender competitions for public sector ordering bodies.
We will invite leading sustainability organisations to tender for contracts, undertaking cost benchmarking to ensure the public sector gets best value for money.
We will be seeking innovation from experts in climate change to deliver real programmes to decarbonise our world and reduce energy consumption.
Place Group is a procurement service for the public sector, ensuring compliance, transparency and value for money for the public purse.
Our role is to save the public sector money (we saved £26m for schools in the south west) and to ensure that the Net Zero strategy gets translated into practical projects that get implemented. The Everything Net Zero Framework has a limit of £70bn that can be procured through it.
Place Group has NOT been awarded a contract for £70bn. Like all frameworks supporting public sector procurement, our costs are covered from a very small framework levy that suppliers pay if they win contracts.
Net Zero is a critical agenda for the UK and the globe, and implementing a strategy that is effective at cutting emissions in line with the science and offers the public purse best value for money is our mission.
We are contributing to helping the public sector achieve its net zero obligations. The UK is committed to reducing emissions by 78% by 2035, and achieving net zero by 2050.
We all need to accelerate our efforts if we are to repair the damage we have done to our planet over the past 200 years in a little over 25 years.